Tagged with record sealing lawyer


Withdrawing your Guilty Plea pursuant to your Guilty Plea Agreement Were you given a plea deal that if you successfully completed probation with a honorable discharge you could withdraw your plea and plea guilty to a lesser charge or even a dismissal? Many people don’t realize this doesn’t not happen automatically, someone has to bring it attention to the Judge. Some people still are walking

If you have a criminal record and you qualify for a record sealing under Nevada law, a judge does not “have to” agree and sign your order to seal. The statute is discretionary. The judge “may” seal your record, the statute does not say the judge “shall” seal your record. However, if you meet the requirements, our firm’s experience is that in most cases, the

Not a U.S. Citizen? What you need to know before you seal your criminal record. If you have a criminal record that you want to seal and you are NOT a U.S. citizen, you need to make sure you obtain all the criminal records for your own file and future use. Immigration will want proof and all your criminal records, which includes police reports, complaints,