Filed under DUI Defense

Did You Blow It? Breath Interlock Devices and DUIs

WILL I HAVE TO GET AN INTERLOCK DEVICE ON MY CAR DUE TO MY DUI? We need to begin by telling you what an interlock device is – An ignition interlock device or breath alcohol ignition interlock device is a breathalyzer for an individual’s vehicle. It requires the driver to blow into a mouthpiece on the device before starting or continuing to operate the vehicle.

Will I Go To Jail for a DUI? We understand you are scared – anyone would be. After you read this you may feel better, and we encourage you to call our firm. This information is only a portion of what we know. This is a question we get asked all the time. I can offer answers to this question based upon the following qualifications: I have

Is a DUI accident a felony? To be charged with a felony DUI in Nevada when an accident occurs, 1 of 2 aggravating factors must be present. Either a death occurred because of the DUI, or substantial bodily harm occurred. Many accidents involving DUIs are typically misdemeanor offenses, even if an accident occurred. You may also be charged with a felony DUI if you have

Las Vegas Nevada DUI School and Victim Impact Panel If you been convicted of a DUI 1st in Las Vegas Nevada, you will be ordered to complete a Nevada accredited 8-hour DUI program and a Victim Impact Panel. The DUI school can be performed online or in person. The Victim Impact Panel must be attended live and in person. If there is not a Victim

Las Vegas Nevada DUI School and Victim Impact Panel If you been convicted of a DUI 1st in Las Vegas Nevada, you will be ordered to complete a Nevada accredited 8-hour DUI program and a Victim Impact Panel. The DUI school can be performed online or in person. The Victim Impact Panel must be attended live and in person. If there is not a Victim

Senate Bill 259 has passed and will become law on October 1, 2018. This law makes it harder for DUI offenders to obtain a driver’s license and operate a vehicle without a breath interlock device. The 2 biggest changes are the following: DUI 1st offenders will now have their driver’s license revoked for 185 days. It was and will remain 90 days until October 1,

Under 21 years old and DUIs Nevada has a zero tolerance DUI law when it comes to people who are under the drinking age of 21 and their driver’s license. If you are younger than 21 years of age, your driver’s license may be suspended for 90 days if your blood alcohol content is ONLY .02 or above. If you are 21 or older it is

Can I Still Be Charged With a DUI If I Blow Under .08? YES, under impairment theory you can still be charged with a DUI. If you have alcohol in your system prosecutors may still try to prove your were under the influence. To do this they must prove the alcohol affected you to a degree that renders you incapable of safely driving or exercising

Uber, Smartphones and DUIs - Technology Saving Lives By Adam J. Graves, Esq. Just recently I have begun to notice a few things with ride sharing companies like Uber in Las Vegas Nevada. Their drivers are all around town after becoming legal to operate, but the most interesting thing I have notice as a criminal defense attorney who handles a lot of DUI offenses is