Accidents happen, but if you cause an accident causing substantial bodily harm or death you have a duty to stop at the scene of the accident. Nevada’s hit and run NRS 484E.010 statute specifies what one must do if he or she is in an accident that causes substantial bodily harm or death.
The driver must:
The driver must immediately stop his or her vehicle at the scene or as close thereto as possible;
Return to and remain on the scene until the requirements of NRS 484E.030 are satisfied; and
Every stop must be made without obstructing traffic more than necessary.
The requirements of NRS 484E.030 are as follows:
Give his or her name, address and registration;
Show his or her driver’s license if requested and available;
Provide the above information to law enforcement;
Render reasonable assistance to the inured person; and
If no law enforcement is available report the information to nearest police authority or Nevada Highway Patrol.
If you fail to stop and provide information you may be charged with a felony offense that carries the following punishment:
Category B felony;
A minimum prison term of 2 years and a maximum 15 years; and
A minimum fine of $2000 and maximum $5000.
As you can see hit and run is a serious charge. Contact The Law Offices of Adam J. Graves today for a free consultation.
Even if you do not cause substantial bodily harm or death, one must still immediately stop at the scene of the accident and a soon as reasonably practicable, if the driver’s vehicle is obstructing traffic, move it to a safe place as close as possible that does not obstruct traffic. One will need to return and remain at the scene until NRS 484E.030 requirements are met. See above.
Remember, anytime you are stopped or standing in the middle of the road you are in danger of being struck by a third party. Always be alert and aware of your surroundings.
A DUI is a common offense associated with a Hit and Run. If your Hit and Run involved a DUI charge as well, click here for more information.
This is for informative purposes only. This does not create an client-attorney privilege. Always seek legal advice.
Excellent Criminal Law Attorney
Adam did an excellent job in his representation of my criminal case. He was honest, supportive and informative all the way through the case. He is everything I could hope for in an attorney. I highly recommend Adam for anyone to use as their attorney.
Traffic Citation
Attorney Adam Graves got my traffic ticket reduced from speeding to illegal parking. Thanks to him I will have a small fee, no traffic school, and no points on my record. I would highly recommend him.
Ticket Reduced!
Adam was great. He spent a little time on the phone talking with me about the options for handling my case, did what he said he would and got the result he thought I'd get, which was a lowered fine by $100 and no moving violation. Very easy process, I'd highly recommend him.